Useful Links for Italian
Here you can find links to on-line Italian radios and TV, interactive grammar exercises, fun games and useful apps. ALL STRICTLY FREE! Give it a try, I hope you'll find it useful and entertaining!
Newly added are the Travelers and App sections. It is my expectation that these sections will grow with your suggestions.

Radio 24
News talk about Italian and international news
Radio Italia
Only Italian music ("Solo musica italiana")
RTL 102.5
Italian and international music, also talk shows
Radio Dee Jay
Italian and international music; news; talk show
Rai.tv World
(Formerly Rai International) News, movies, TV shows, documentaries - no subtitles.
Rai Replay
News, movies, TV shows, documentaries broadcasted the last 7 days.
Rai Cultura
Movies, documentaries, in-depth look at science, literature, music, art, cinema and more Italian and World culture.
Televideo Rai
Summary of local, national and world news, shows, culture, sport, politics, economy etc. as it appears IN WRITING on the Italian national TV.
Corriere della Sera
La Stampa

Giochi di grammatica e esercizi
Baby Flash
Games to help vocabulary and grammar
Games to help vocabulary and grammar. Remember to enter a name in the bottom right corner to start playing. No login necessary
Impariamo l'italiano
Grammar exercises, proverbs, vocabulary
Alma TV
Variety of short Italian videos from beginners to advanced, with possibility of adding Italian subtitles. Some videos have related drills.

Grammatica, dizionari, storia della lingua
La grammatica italiana
Basic grammar explanations and exercises
Accademia della Crusca
The institution that has monitored the Italian language since 1583
Dizionario Italiano
Italian on-line dictionary
Dizionario Etimologico
Etymological dictionary

For Travelers
Mostre in Italia
List of all exhibits currently open in Italy, by region.
Polo Museale Fiorentino
Website dedicated to all museums in Florence. Tickets to museums may be purchased here.
All in Italian. List of cultural and folk events by region and by city. Here you can find anything from exhibits, to musical and culinary events.
Italian Heritage: The Food, Wine and Language
A particular "Grazie" to Girl Scout EMILIA STEVENS for bringing this Web site to our attention!
Italian train system official Website (in English and Italian). Here you can find information on: transportation, purchasing tickets, car rental, hotels, etc.
International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers. You will hopefully never need this, but in case they can connect you with English speaking doctors.

Applicazioni [App]
Free. Focused on verb drills; includes pronunciation of verbs; allows building drills of your own; has a Pro version. For Android.
Free. Learn vocabulary and easy sentences.